WINDER3 - La bobinadora WINDER3 es la bobinadora de la más alta clase en el segmento de máquinas compactas.


AVANCER2 - Máximo rendimiento de corte. Funciones avanzadas y automatizadas.


LANGER4  - Rebobinadora multifuncional con inspección de 100% y Work Flow.


CATER-A  - Cortar mandriles nunca ha sido tan sencillo y eficaz.


Jurmet - Forbes Diamonds 2023 Laureate!

We are glad to announce that Jurmet is a Forbes Diamonds 2023 Laureate! It is a prestigious ranking prepared annually by Forbes – a world-renowned business magazine.
Forbes Diamonds 2023 are awarded to the most dynamic companies with the greatest increase in enterprise value. Jurmet fulfilled all criteria to be among such companies. We are the only company in this group operating in the flexible packaging machinery industry in Poland.